Zion Elopement

OK can we first all agree that Zion National Park is just one of the most beautiful places on earth?! The canyon walls full of such vibrant color is absolutely breathtaking! When my family chose to go to southern Utah for our annual hiking trip, I jumped to the opportunity to have a education and mentor session with one of my favorite photographers of all time.

Koryn Rice is a photo and business genius!! Everything she said was pure GOLD! The amount of wisdom and advice I was able to take away was insane. And this was just the beginning!

After chatting, we drove into the park for a styled shoot. And let me tell ya, IT WAS MAGICAL!! Lexi and Kyler were incredible to work with and are just a stunning couple! I still get jittery everytime I see these photos 🙂 Elopements are definitely at the top of my list for favorite types of sessions!!